
Leveraging our unique blend of legal acumen and economic analysis

Helana Balkin, Esq. and Dr. Alex Horenstein bring you a comprehensive suite of pre-litigation mediation services, tailored to a wide spectrum of business and personal disputes.


Helana Balkin, Esq.

I am a seasoned attorney with more than a decade of experience in litigation, mediation, and brokering settlements. My expertise encompasses areas such as contractual disputes, employment matters, intellectual property rights, business issues, securities, family law, licensing and royalties, and commercial and residential leasing.

  • University of Miami School of Law, Coral Gables, FL
    Juris Doctor, May 2012
    Magna Cum Laude

  • University of Miami, Coral Gables, FL
    Bachelor of Business Administration, December 2008
    Major in Finance; Summa Cum Laude


Dr. Alex Horenstein

I complement Helana’s legal expertise with my solid foundation in economics, fortified by a PhD in the field and over 14 years of experience in academia. My practical experience includes conducting financial valuations for a wide variety of real-world companies and making economic forecasts. As a regular contributor to various news outlets, I provide key insights into the global economic landscape, leveraging my extensive international experience and knowledge.

  • Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    Ph.D. in Economics, 2009
  • Arizona State University, Tempe, AZ
    M.Sc. in Economics, 2006
  • Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina
    Licenciate in Economics, 2003

Why Mediate

Litigation can be an overwhelming process. We turn confrontations into constructive dialogues .

Litigation can be an overwhelming process. We turn confrontations into constructive dialogues.

It is often fraught with uncertainty and can become an expensive and emotional ordeal. Our dedicated team steps in with the primary goal of mediating disputes to satisfactory resolutions early on, avoiding protracted litigation.

Through our approach, we not only mitigate the strain that litigation can place on your relationships, but also safeguard your valuable investments.

At the heart of our services lies an unwavering commitment to confidentiality. Your business and personal matters remain private, and no public records can potentially expose your sensitive dealings to the world.

  • At HB Mediation, we stay at the cutting edge of technology, incorporating advanced tools, including artificial intelligence, to streamline our services.

  • Our bilingual capabilities in English and Spanish allow us to cater to a diverse range of clients.

  • Our promise is to put you back in control, providing mediation services that make sense for your unique circumstances.

Mediation Process

This mediation process is designed to be efficient, personalized, and confidential, addressing the specific needs and interests of our clients. By focusing on a solution that not only resolves the current dispute but also preserves long-term relationships, we provide a high-value service that respects our clients’ time and privacy.

Initial Consultation2023-07-21T13:46:37-03:00

The process begins with an initial consultation where we discuss the client’s specific needs and understand the dispute’s nature. This meeting can take place in-person, over the phone, or through a virtual platform, offering flexibility to the client. All discussions are confidential, ensuring complete discretion.

Engagement and Fee Structure2023-07-21T13:49:11-03:00

Once we understand the case’s complexity, we propose a personalized mediation plan and clearly explain the fee structure, ensuring full transparency. Our agreement will detail the scope of services, confidentiality terms, and our commitment to professionalism and efficiency.

Pre-Mediation Preparation2023-07-21T13:49:26-03:00

We thoroughly review all the provided documentation and conduct an independent analysis, if necessary, to fully understand the situation. The preparation stage might involve additional confidential meetings with each party to clarify any points of contention and establish goals for the mediation.

Mediation Session2023-07-21T13:49:38-03:00

Mediation sessions are arranged at a convenient time and location for the client. These sessions can be face-to-face or virtual. The mediators facilitate dialogue between the parties, keeping the discussion focused and productive. Our aim is not only to resolve the dispute but also to maintain long-term relationships.

Post-Mediation Follow-Up2023-07-21T13:49:52-03:00

After an agreement is reached, we help by ensuring all parties understand their responsibilities. We also offer a follow-up service to ensure the agreement’s successful implementation.

Ongoing Support2023-07-21T13:50:04-03:00

Even after the resolution of a dispute, we offer ongoing support services. This can include periodic check-ins or advisory services to help prevent future conflicts.

Located in Pinecrest, FL,

We perform our dispute resolution services worldwide, either remotely or in person.

In order to schedule a mediation, please contact us via phone or email to confirm availability.





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